Rest and Relaxation

I had a most relaxing weekend.  I didn’t even know how much I needed the down time until last night when I was feeling so refreshed.  I’ve been keeping myself so busy the last few weeks.  Between the early morning workouts and evening Bible studies I go to, I haven’t taken the time to focus on me and recharge my batteries.

After church Sabbath I thought I wanted to be social, but since most of my friends were out of town or busy I was able to go home and be by myself.  I spent some quality time with Taz and went out for a walk, which turned into a run.  I wasn’t planning to run, but I had a lot of energy and wanted to see where I’m at.  I haven’t been running on my treadmill since I ran the mile a few weeks back.  I want to start doing the Jeff Galloway Run-Walk-Run method and it seems easier to do outside with an interval timer than on my treadmill where I’d have to change the speed.  I’m sure there is a way I can program my treadmill to change speeds automatically, but I haven’t been curious enough yet to figure it out.

I decided to start with a 30 second run then 60 second walk interval.  I had downloaded a free app on my phone that will beep for the interval.  I really wanted to bring Taz with me but I wasn’t sure how he would do.  Turns out he was better at it than I was.  Each time I sped up, he would pick up his pace to a trot and stay close to me.  Then when it was time to walk he would adjust accordingly.  I wasn’t sure how far I would go, but it turns out the road near my house is almost exactly 3.1 miles if I go to the end and come back.  Once I realized I was on track to finish the 3.1 miles in 45 minutes, I was so motivated to keep going and reach my goal.  And sure enough, I completed my first 5K with a time of 45 minutes.  I was so excited I had to share the news with the world so I posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This might sound crazy but that 45 minute run was probably the most relaxing exercise I’ve ever done.  There were moments that I was feeling super tired and I did skip the run interval a couple times, but overall it felt really natural and comfortable.  I think that’s how it’s supposed to be, because why would there be such an amazing running community if running wasn’t fun.

Yesterday I went to my regular Weight Watchers group.  I guess it’s been three weeks since I had been there.  I had missed them so it was nice seeing everyone again.  I knew my weight is moving in the right direction because I have watched it at home going down, but I’m still always nervous when I weigh in at the meeting because I don’t know if their scale will reflect my hard work.  Also I know there’s about a two lb variance between when I weigh in at home than when I weigh in at the meeting.  I shouldn’t’ve been worrying because I had a 2.4 lb loss.  I’m at 230!  Almost into the next tens group!  I can’t believe back in 2009 when I joined Weight Watchers for about a month that I started at about 235.  I wasn’t following the eating plan or exercising, I thought just going to the meetings would be enough to lose weight.  It does not work that way and I gained about 5 lbs during the four or five weeks that I went!  My weigh in this week was so exciting because I’m officially the lowest weight I’ve been in 5 years!

After the meeting a group always go for a walk on the bike trails through town.  I went last time I was there and really enjoyed myself, so I will always plan to go again.  We went in a different direction this time so it was fun seeing new scenery.  The chance to share about our successes and struggles is so encouraging.  Now that I’m following other blogs and Facebook groups and  attending Weight Watchers meetings, I’m realizing how many other people are on the same journey as me.  I’m not alone in this world and I don’t have to do it all by myself.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
– Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT)

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  1. Kristen

     /  April 29, 2014

    This is an awesome post!!! I’m so thrilled that you were able to experience that wonderful feeling running gives you…sometimes. 🙂 Also, I’m so proud of your weight loss success!!! You are such a strong person!! Finally, I’m soo happy that you’ve found not one community of friends and support, but MANY, spiritual, social and physical. I LOVED the Bible verse you posted.


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